Most rope crossovers (criss cross) while skipping on alternate legs in 12 hours
Stanley Ka Ho Lo
37,231 total number
هونغ كونغ الإدارية الخاصة، الصين (Hong Kong)
قيود عمرية: تقبل طلبات كسر هذا الرقم القياسي لمن هم في سن 16 أو أكبر فقط.

The most rope crossovers (criss cross) while skipping on alternate legs in 12 hours is 37,231 and was achieved by Stanley Lo (Hong Kong SAR, China) with support from Asia Performance Training (APT) Limited at The Mills, TseunWan in Hong Kong SAR, China, on 11 July 2021.

Stanley was able to achieve the record 8 months after his first attempt, successfully adding 3,000 more skips to his previous try. His attempt averaged nearly 52 crossovers per minute.