Most weight deadlifted in three minutes (II)
Tom Enoch
1,475 kilogram(s)
المملكة المتحدة (Leamington Spa)
قيود عمرية: تقبل طلبات كسر هذا الرقم القياسي لمن هم في سن 16 أو أكبر فقط.

The most weight deadlifted in three minutes (II) is 1,475 kg (3,251 lb), achieved by Tom Enoch (UK) in Leamington Spa, UK, on 7 January 2023.

Tom has Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome.

During the Covid-19 lockdowns across the UK, Tom put on remote fitness classes for other young people with Down syndrome.

He hopes to one day achieve 21 Guinness World Records titles, to celebrate and inspire those with Trisomy 21/Down syndrome, as well as to raise awareness.