Largest display of quilled angels
Brid Mc Cann
3,239 total number
ايرلندا (Gort)

The largest display of quilled angels is 3,239 and was achieved by Brid Mc Cann (Ireland) in Galway, Ireland, on 14 November 2019.

Brid decided try and achieve a Guinness World Records title because their son is a huge fan of the book. He joked about them breaking a record in quilling, but Brid has actually gone on to achieve two Guinness World Records titles; the other record being the largest display of quilled flowers, which is actually their favourite thing to quill! However, Brid's biggest quilling achievement, aside from achieving two Guinness World Records titles, is quilling an entire chess set.

When asked if they had any tips for beginners in quilling, Brid said: "Never say a bad thing about your work. Be amazed at what you have created... it takes time and a lot of practice."