Most gemstones identified in 30 seconds
Zuo Yan
26 total number
الصين (Hangzhou)

The most gemstones identified in 30 seconds is 26 gemstones and was achieved by Zuo Yan (China) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, on 14 May 2020.

Zuo Yan attempted to identify 28 out of 50 gemstones on display, but gave two incorrect answers, giving her a final count of 26.

Except for some media and fans on set, the vast majority of the audience were watching the attempt on their phone or computer at home.

The attempt event is planned for Zuo Yan’s own Fans Festival live stream, to show her gratitude to her fans who kept watching her show and buying products from her links. She wanted to give her fans a surprise and also makes this a highlight of the live stream.